понедельник, 27 июля 2015 г.

Gigamon - описание и первичная настройка

Описание решений 


The flexible GigaVUE-HC2 chassis offers an elegant multi-functional design with four (4) front-facing bays that can accommodate an assortment of port, bypass, and embedded TAP modules, addressing a variety of user needs within a highly flexible, multi-purpose node. Common port modules are available for 1Gb, 10Gb, and 40Gb. Physical and logical bypass options are available for inline monitoring tools such as Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) and anti-malware. This is also the first Visibility Fabric™ node to consolidate TAPs internally within the system for added security, space savings, reduced cost, and expanded functionality.

The GigaVUE-HC2 leverages Gigamon’s patented Flow Mapping® technology for complete aggregation, replication, and filtering capabilities. Optional GigaSMART® functionality is available for intelligent slicing, masking, De-duplication, FlowVUE™, stateful GTP Correlation, SSL Decryption, and other applications such as NetFlow Generation via a front- or rear-facing GigaSMART module. This combination provides a diverse, multi-functional design to adapt to customer requirements and grow as needs expand. Advanced clustering enables tight integration with other GigaVUE-HC2 nodes including the larger GigaVUE HD Series or the smaller, fixed-port GigaVUE-HB1 fabric node to enable hundreds of ports to be managed as a single system.

Внешний вид шасси в лаборатории ITbiz c полу-установленными картами BPS-HC0-D25A4G и SMT-HC0-X16:

Внешний вид полностью укомплектованого шасси:

GigaBPS modules

The GigaVUE HC Series GigaBPS modules provide bypass protection to inline tools such as Intrusion Protection Systems (IPS). These innovative modules contain a combination sixteen (16) regular SFP/SPF+ port cages and four (4) pairs of specialized physical bypass ports to ensure traffic continuously flows through inline security gates.

The module leverages two levels of bypass protection:
1. Physical Bypass
2. Logical Bypass


GigaSMART® technology extends the intelligence and value of the Gigamon Visibility Fabric™ architecture by enhancing your monitoring infrastructure and improving tool performance. A range of applications are available to enable the modification, manipulation, transformation, and transport of traffic from your network to the tools you rely upon for management, monitoring, and security.

The GigaSMART technology is available on the GigaVUE-2404 and GigaVUE H Series Visibility Fabric nodes. GigaSMART operations can be applied to any network or tool port on the chassis or the entire cluster, allowing maximum flexibility in configuration and provisioning.

SSL Decryption
• Provide visibility into encrypted sessions
• Send decrypted packets to multiple out-of-band tools: IDS, DLP, APM, CEM, etc.
• Private server keys are encrypted and protected by role-based access controls

• Relieve tool processing resources when packets are gathered from multiple collection points along a path by only forwarding a packet once
• Remove packet duplication caused by inter-VLAN communication or incorrect switch configuration

Adaptive Packet Filtering
• Filter across advanced encapsulation headers including VXLAN, VN-Tag, GTP, MPLS, etc., and inner (encapsulated) Layer 3/Layer 4 packet contents
• Apply pattern matching on plain text or regular expressions

NetFlow Generation
• Increase infrastructure efficiencies by offloading NetFlow Generation to the Visibility Fabric
• Generate NetFlow records without sampling to facilitate true response and root cause capability
• Export records to up to six (6) collectors supporting NetFlow v5/v9 and IPFIX

GTP Correlation
• Optimize tool infrastructure by accurate filtering, replicating, and forwarding monitored subscriber sessions
• Correlate subscriber sessions (control and data) to offload tools, increasing throughput
• Facilitate drilldowns into roaming users across peer networks

Full - https://www.gigamon.com/PDF/datasheets/DS-GigaSMART-4003.pdf


В слот на обратной стороне вставляется только карта GigaSMART (без портов).
Модуль управления устанавливается на задней панели под куллерами.
Платы можно ставить "на горячую".
Генерация NetFlow возможна только с модулем Gigasmart и соответствующими лицензиями.

Первичная настройка после включения:
conf t
config jump-start
прописать настройки в диалогом режиме
write memory
card all - инициализация карт

Диагностические команды:
show card
show chassis
show system
sh interfaces eth0 - посмотреть интерфейсы управления
show port stats port-list 1/1/x2,1/1/x5,1/4/x2
show port stats port-list 1/1/x2,1/1/x5..1/1/x8

ITBiz (config) # port 1/1/x5 type ?
network          -- uplink (трафик только входит)
stack            -- только для создания стека
tool             -- downlink (трафик только выходит)

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